• Palm Springs Real Estate, Sl
  • Plaza Madrid, 1
  • 18690 Almuñécar (Granada)
  • 958882855
  • 638109383
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We are located to the south of Granada, with almost 80 km of coastline,at the foot of the La Contraviesa and Lújar mountain ranges, in the easternpart, and the La Almijara and Cázulas mountain ranges in the western part, andthe Sierra Nevada itself. With more than 300 days of sunshine a year, mildtemperatures in winter and the freshness of the Mediterranean Sea breeze insummer, it offers us an average annual temperature of 20ºC, the shelterprovided by the Betic Mountain Range, slowing down the flows of cold air fromthe north, induce the microclimate zones that we enjoy. Hence its name, CostaTropical. These conditions have allowed both agricultural developments, due tothe cultivation of subtropical crops, and tourism.

Almuñécar, an ancient city. Relevant nucleus of the coast, its historydates back to the 8th century BC, colonized by the Phoenicians, they called itEx (Seks-Seksi), merchants from the East and great navigators, they built fishsalting factories on the Andalusian coast, remains of a of them are preservedin Almuñécar, this salting industry, reached importance at the time. Depositsof the Phoenician-Punic footprint are preserved in various areas of the town(several necropolises, the Puente de Noy stands out for its importance).

Later, with the arrival of the Romans in the peninsula, around the year218 BC, to be called Sexi Firmum Iulium (year 49 BC), obtaining the category ofRoman municipality. The activity of salting was continued and reached itsgreatest splendor in the 1st and 2nd centuries AD, the “garum”, a fish pate,was exported throughout the empire. At that time, the important Aqueduct wasbuilt, an engineering work to provide the city with water, about 7 km long withsections that are still active today, one of the most outstanding is that ofTorrecuevas, with 130 meters and 19 Arcos.

Around the year 755, from Damascus, the founder of the IndependentEmirate of Córdoba, the Umayyad prince Abd-al-Rahman, landed on our coast. TheArabs then called him al-Munakkar. A new period of splendor began under Islamicdomination that would last 8 centuries. With the reunification of theterritories of al-Andalus, the Nasrid Kingdom of Granada was formed, the laststronghold of Islam in Spain. Being the main coastal city, it was chosen by theNasrid dynasty as a place of rest. It became a prosperous medina around theArab castle, it had a port, a mosque and markets, it produced raisins, sugarcane, fruit, silk and also fish.

The traces of more than 2,500 years of history can be seen, which giveits people a friendly and welcoming character.

In the museum of La Cueva de los Siete Palacios (Roman origin) you cansee the jewels that bear witness to the traces of the past.

Charming beaches and coves, cliffs, where water sports, diving, scubadiving are practiced; underwater fishing in incomparable and internationallyfamous environments, wind surfing; kayak; candle; sand volleyball and soccer;paragliding, hiking, petanque, athletics championships, kenpo, BMX. Othersports have special relevance, cycling; soccer; with international teams thatcome to concentrate and train in the area, from different disciplines andcomplete the framework of an incomparable environment where life is relaxed.

It offers a wide cultural offer with activities, concerts, to highlightthe annual one in summer, Jazz in the Costa, Andrés Segovia InternationalClassical Guitar Contest, theater and dance throughout the year. Likewise on agastronomic level with numerous restaurants and bars where you can delightyourself with the flavors of the south, fish from the area and enjoy the famoustapas that are highly appreciated.

All this and more will complete your days in this little paradise in thesouth of Spain.

Come and meet us .

Plaza Madrid, 1
Almuñécar (Granada)
  • Palm Springs Real Estate, Sl
  • Plaza Madrid, 1
  • 18690 Almuñécar (Granada)
  • 958882855
  • 638109383

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